Step 1 of 12 8% This Curiosity Archetype quiz consists of 11 questions, each with four options. Order the options from top to bottom (most accurate for you to least accurate). Sometimes the differences are very small and it’s hard to decide which is most accurate for you. Choose anyway because the tiny differences are revealing.Email Address(Required) 1. I can usually...find something interesting to discover.find something interesting to think about.come up with ideas and solutions to problems.find something to challenge myself with. 2. I like the internet.test my limits.learn new ideas.solve puzzles. 3. I am curious...about things many people don’t care as much about.about what others know.about what others don’t know.about what I do not know. 4. I would rather...provide an answer.listen to learn.try it myself.ask a question. 5. I am the first to strangers or try an exotic food.share an idea or figure out a better way.create a helpful habit or present a different perspective.recognize and point out an unusual sight or strange sound. 6. If my best friend owned a circus and gave me free reign, I would...explore every tent.take a lesson with a lion tamer.interview the create new acts. 7. If I were creating a workshop...I would like to be a thought leader who inspires others.I would like to teach others how to appreciate life.I would like to challenge others to challenge themselves.I would like to create a new product to help others. 8. If I could spend a day with an art expert, I would be...interested in learning how to appreciate art.interested in learning about new art trends.interested in learning how to curate an art show.interested in learning how to create art. 9. I would mostly describe myself as someone who...likes the undiscovered.likes the unfamiliar.likes the unpredictable.likes the unsolvable. 10. It is true that...I often have ideas for myself and others.wherever I go, I find interesting things.I view challenging situations as opportunities to learn and grow.I prefer to work and play in unpredictable environments. 11. My friends and family would say that...I am curious to test and try new things.I am curious to find the deeper meaning of things.I am curious to find things that are helpful.I am curious about a lot of things.