Posts Tagged ‘persuasion’
ACLR: What are the Hidden Forces that Persuade You?
Welcome back to Applied Curiosity Lab Radio, the podcast for the relentlessly curious. Welcome best selling author, Brian Ahearn to the lab to chomp on the Curiosity Bite that explores the hidden side of how were influenced by others…and how we can use these principles to our ethical, strategic advantage.
Read MoreACLR 009: How You Can Get Anyone to Do Anything with Persuasion Expert Brian Ahearn
Since the vast majority of what we say and do involves some attempt to influence, persuade, entice, arouse, sell, cajole, or convince, it’s critically important that we know how to do it well. Brian Ahearn reveals the art and science of effective and ethical persuasion principles. Are you shouting and posting and wondering why others just don’t get it? Do you ever try to convince anyone of anything? Tune it to learn exactly how you can do this more effectively.
Read MoreDumpster Dive Your Life to Connect
Once upon a not-too-long-ago time, I was an impostor in a focus group. Wildly impressive people gathered in Los Angeles for what seemed like the purpose of giving others (okay, me) an inferiority complex. Really they were there, like me, for a focus group to test their media meddle.
One serious, ex-military general was preparing to present a multi-billion dollar project to the Pentagon the next month. A brilliant, German scientist was testing her TED talk about her discovery of a whole new way of looking at cancer. A best-selling author was prepping for a sit-down with Oprah, and another clever entrepreneur was practicing for a Today Show segment. And then there was
How Did We Get So Right?
I like to think of polarizing issues and try to pinpoint the exact moment when I knew which side of the issue was right. On big issues like abortion, gay marriage and Justin Bieber, I doubt that I will ever change my mind because I’m absolutely certain that I’m right. Still, it’s hard for me to pinpoint the exact moment that I came to my right conclusion.
I’m willing to admit that I could be wrong. Okay, no I’m not. Who do I even think that I’m fooling? I know several things about this process because science tells me so. The more entrenched I am in my opinion, the more I will look for things that prove I’m right. Now, I don’t have to look far and wide to find evidence proving I’m right, but that’s because
Read MoreAvoid Giving Your Influence the Finger
Remember thinking: I sure hope you don’t call me. It’s fine if you text or email because I can deal with that. Talking requires a quick thinking skill that is…quaint, old-school, and frankly I haven’t had enough coffee to remember how to do it effectively. You’re busy. I’m busy. I <3 click-communication, so can't we just work our magic through finger clicks instead of moving lips? Plus, the NSA is listening but they won't really know what we really mean if we're not really talking. And DILLIGAS that they'll be SOL and full of FUD? BTW, NSA, DBEYR and RBTL. Put me on The List. IDY.
Read MoreFrom the Secret World of Auctions…To You
I spent my youth, dressed as a boy and being dragged to hundreds of industrial auction sites because my parents wanted me to learn the lost art of selling from the master persuader auctioneers. They hoped this dragged-in-drag experience would help me blend with the old-school auctioneer men, greasy machines and colorful language. They hoped it would provide me with rare, insiders’ access into a world that few others ever experience. It did.
Read MoreFrom Nether Regions Come…Sortafacts
Sortafacts are everywhere. Shhh…don’t tell anybody because whispering makes things 87% more believable.
Sortafacts are shared by company presidents, members of governments, magazines, blogs, newspapers, and news broadcasts both fair and balanced and slippery and wobbly. They are the truth-ish. This is proven to be true 93% of the time.
Often they come from our nether regions. Basically. Trust me. Literally (I saw them there once). They sometimes get sent down the bloggit hole where
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